Sunday, September 23, 2007

the most depressing 30 SECONDS of my life

instead of partying with friends last night i took pictures of myself in the

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

how to be PC in situations regarding NIKE

san fernando home (sorry about the barrel distortion...not my camera)

while trying to remain relatively "politically correct" i find myself constantly entertained by the stupidity of the human race. when i first saw this amazing site in san fernando this last weekend three questions immediately came to mind: who (with regards to race of course), why, and finally how? while these questions simmer in your own mind let me just entertain you with a few of my own thoughts. who: without jumping to conclusions i"ll simply state that based on the neighborhood i was in it's fare to say that this person has no affiliation with the nike corporation. why: i'm still kinda stumped by this one but i'm willing to give this person the benefit of the doubt and say that it was like that when they moved in? how: and finally, the question that has been really lingering in my mind. unless i'm totally out of the loop i'm pretty sure this isn't something they sell at the local home depot and thus means that this person went to the effort to, by hand, create not only this portion of the fence but a total of 17 of these pieces. now thats dedication.