Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I Want Some Real Food!!!

Yes, that is a picture of me eating an insect! Apparently bugs are on the menu. Last night my friends decided that it would be fun to go to wangfujing (a night market in Beijing) for dinner. For some reason unknown to me, I decided to tag along. Peer pressure’s a bitch. After a few beers we worked up enough courage to start eating. I am proud and also disgusted to say that I have now eaten locus, grasshopper, scorpion, and even sea horse. Those of you who know how terrified I am of bugs can appreciate this achievement. Some of my more adventuresome friends tried water beetle, centipede, and silkworm…I hade to draw the line somewhere. It was the strangest dinner of my entire life but I will never forget it. Enjoy the pictures…

an assortment of insects...yummmm

jfk enjoying th largest centipede i have ever seen

wow...thats a big one

dm and sh manhandling their centipedes

If anyone is interested in watching a video, check out these links:
(((bugs 01)))

(((bugs 02)))


Steve Higgins said...

Just caught this while moving through randmon blogs on the "next blog" button.

Your pics put me right of my lunch!

You are very brave to be eating that! (Or were you just very hungry?)

valerie said...

I am amazed and shocked.

Unknown said...

that's the most disgusting thing i have ever seen...in my life. how do they get the bugs to grow that big? was it crunchy? did it taste like chicken? did you have to floss your teeth to get the centipede legs out?