Monday, July 2, 2007

Guten Tag! (06.18-07.02)

i think that means good afternoon? i'm in berlin, germany now which means that my 2 week vacation is over. sorry i havent posted anything in a while, i've been without my computer and internet for the last couple weeks. my last couple of days in england and my week in spain were great. i'm not gunna give you the blow-by-blow cuz i don't want to bore anyone but i guess i'll hit the key points. i think i saw every tourist attraction in the city and a lot of amazing architecture. gaudi's work (sagrada familia, park guell, casa mila...) and the contemporary architecture of the city (barcelona forum, agbar tower,...) was amazing. as's some photos.

sagrada familia

park guell

barcelona forum

i have no idea what this is but it looks kool


agbar tower

back to work for me...


Anonymous said...

RE: "i have no idea what this is but it looks kool"- it is a huge solar panel next to Barcelona shore.
Have fun, guys, in Berlin! Lots of more beer to come!

Sthomas said...

I would say it as great architectural paradise. Looking beautiful. I am yearning to visit Berlin.
Berlin tours