Thursday, May 24, 2007

Week 02 (05.22-05.24)

Its been raining for 2 days now and i packed nothing but shorts and t-shirts. The weather makes it kinda hard to enjoy the city, but on the bright side, its conducive to work. And trust me, we've got plenty of that. Todays trip was interesting. In the morning we went to the Ganxi House in Nanbuting. It's one of the few remaining historical buildings in the area. Unfortunately, due to the weather, my pictures didn't turn out. I posted a couple below but they definitely don't do the architecture justice. We have another presentation tomorrow for the urban design project we are working on so I'll probably be pulling another all-nighter at the local tea house. I'm kinda disappointed with the lack of time we are allowed to explore the city but we've been told that our final presentation is on june 2nd, leaving us an entire week of exploration in Nanjing and Shanghai(only about 2 hours away by train) and then the following week in Beijing. I cant wait to do some more drawing, photography, and overall tourist stuff. One more week of hard work!

One of the many courtyards at the Ganxi House

Ganxi House rock garden

Ya, its just a tree but but i liked it

Original furnishing from the early 19th century

1 comment:

don said...

I have been sitting here with your mom looking at your blog. It all looks great. We went to Jason's link and read his stuff also. Sounds like all of you are getting some of the same vibes . . . weird food, no privacy, and luggies.
Now that I have your address, I will check in every few days to see how things are going. I liked several of the pictures that you had on the site. It would be interesting to know a little about what they are, and why you decided to put them there. Hope that you get some time to see Shanghi and Nanging, and not have to spend all of your time in studio.
You mentioned that you are studying at the tea houses. What are they ? Is it better to study in them rather than studio ? Or are they just a nicer place to spend time. Speaking of studio . . . What is the set up there like ? Do you all have your own spaces, or are you sharing space amongst yourselves and/or the chineese students ?
How are the chineese students ?
Are you still going out to dinner with them, or are you guys doing your own thing ?
Well that is probably enough questions for now.
I will e-mail Kristi, Edie, Dodi, and Terri your address, so that they can take a look at what you are doing. Is there anyone else that you would like me to forward the address on to ?
Your mom and I are going to go to bed now. So . . . I will talk to you later.
Your Dad
Ps. Tell Jason that after reading his account of his experiences at the hospital, that I feel much closer to, and care more about his balls than I wanted to, and much much much more than I am comfortable with. However, having said that let him know that I am glad that he is OK.